
Federal Union Students Tilburg (hereafter: F.U.S.T.) is the student organisation for everyone! Interested? Check out more about F.U.S.T.:

What is F.U.S.T.?

F.U.S.T., in a very short answer, is a student union. Student unions are organisations that are formed- and meant to represent the interests of students. In our case the students of Tilburg. Our organisational structure is created with this in mind and ensures this goal through these simple ways:

Being a student union and a student association.

As a student union, our primary objective is to improve the life quality of students in Tilburg. For more details about our apporach, please refer to the “What do we do” section. This objective sets the foundation of what we as an organisation are meant to do. However, we recognize that simply having this goal does not automatically ensure we are fully aware of the current issues facing Tilburg’s students. To bridge this gap, we place significant emphasis on the student association aspect of F.U.S.T. This facet of our organization is crucial for maintaining direct communication with both individual students and student associations. We offer them the opportunity to join us and share their opinions internally. This allows us to gather their insights and, in turn, convey them effectively to the appropriate parties.

Our organization embraces an open-door policy, inviting anyone interested in supporting our cause to join us. This policy means you can get involved directly in the union’s activities, such as contributing to research or discussing student interests in working groups. Additionally, we’re committed to building a community by organizing social events through our activity committee. Our open-door policy also serves as an invitation for students to engage with us, offering their insights to help improve the situation for Tilburg’s student population.

So if you got any ideas on to help students in whatever facet of their student lives:
Get in contact: Contact – FUST (fusttilburg.nl)

Representing all students and student associations!

F.U.S.T. is the student union for all students studying in Tilburg. This means that we don’t just allow students to have a say in our policy, but we also allow associations to join us! We feel that student associations facilitate a crucial part in the lives of a lot of the students of Tilburg and should therefore be supported and represented to make sure they function as well as possible. In this way, we try to incorporate this crucial part of student living into our organisation.

As a student union which represents all students in Tilburg, we are equally dedicated to HBO, MBO and University students. As long as you are studying in Tilburg, you have a place in our student union!

Allowing everyone to voice their interests.

F.U.S.T. acknowledges that while students share common interests, their opinions and thoughts vary widely. Consequently, our organisation is committed to making decisions solely based on what benefits the students of Tilburg, without the influence of any political belief system. This approach ensures that all students can feel comfortable joining and participating in their student union representation. Therefore, F.U.S.T. strives to be a non-partisan organisation that is open and accessible to all students eager to become involved.

What do we do?

F.U.S.T. focuses on three main overarching goals that are meant to ensure that Tilburg is not just a studentcity, but an actually student friendly city.


Representing refers to F.U.S.T. being the voice of students within relevant administrative bodies. For student unions, this is mostly the municipality. Unions can also represent students within the university, however F.U.S.T. has decided to leave this to university parties which are already doing quality work in this area. Within the Tilburg municipality however, there was a need for an independent organisation to advocate for student interests. This need led to the creation of F.U.S.T., which aims to position itself as the main body responsible for student representation within the municipality of Tilburg.

In addition to representing locally, F.U.S.T. is an aspiring member of the Landelijke Studenten Vakbond (LSVb). This creates opportunities for us to participate in nationwide incentives, such as actions regarding the increase of student loan interest and reduction of the basic student loan. This collaboration allows F.U.S.T. to serve as the spokesperson for Tilburg students within the framework of the LSVb.


F.U.S.T. is not only a representative organ, but a platform for students to access relevant information. We provide information about various bureaucratic and legal topics aiming to help students navigate their everyday life in a proficient and secure manner. In addition, F.U.S.T. gives trainings to individual members and associations to help with a multitude of topics, most of which pertaining to student representation.


F.U.S.T. also supports students with practical matters. This is done through our services. One of these is the legal aid service. Legal aid consists of law students aiming to help other students in Tilburg in the form of advice. If a member has a legal or administrative issue and is not sure how to proceed, they can reach out to our legal aid service for some preliminary information. Furthermore, we are in the process of creating a translation service. This will be a body that translates important Dutch documents for international students.

What can YOU do?

Interested? Then join us!

We are always looking for interested with new ideas or students that want to add to our union.
Do you want to help us change Tilburg’s policy for the betterment of students? -> Help us write and change policy through one of our working groups!
More interested in helping your fellow students directly? -> Then join our Legal Aid, Trainingsbureau or our Translation Service!
Just want to become active? -> Join one of our committees!

Get in contact: Contact – FUST (fusttilburg.nl)

*P.S. Check this page on our website for a clear overview for what we offer you as a student and a member!
*P.S.S. Click the ▶*