Our Visions!

Federal Union Students Tilburg (hereafter: F.U.S.T.) as the student union continuously ensures that the students of Tilburg are, publicly, able to make their voices heard and their interests known. To ensure that we as an organisation translate that voice correctly to parties such as the municipality we formulate our vision documents. The vision documents of F.U.S.T serve a pivotal role in our organisation structure. They are a fundamental part of our organisation in two domains: describing our stances and guiding our policy.

Describing our stances

The vision documents provide a comprehensive summary of our main attitudes and opinions within the unions portfolios. They are meant to provide the reader with a clear picture of what we care about as a student union.

Guiding our actions

 The vision documents directly shape the policy of F.U.S.T. What this allows us is to continuously update F.U.S.T.’s opinions, making sure that our approach to student problems in Tilburg is always up-to-date. Secondly, it allows for each action of the board to be traced back to the General Meetings. This is because the vision documents will guide all decisions of the board, including the everyday ones.

Below you will find all of our vision documents. Please do not hesitate to read them if you are interested!
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