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Loan information for students

Did you know that students in the Netherlands, whether Dutch or international, can access a variety of loans and subsidies? On this page, you will find information on the different types of financial aid available, how much you can receive, and the eligibility criteria.

Student finance

Student finance is the most generous and widely available form of student aid in the Netherlands. It comprises several components, each with its own conditions and funding amounts. Together, these components form the student finance package. “Who is eligible for student finance?”, you might ask. Students from the EEA/EU, Switzerland, and the UK can access all parts of student finance if they work at least 32 hours a month. However, the tuition loan is an exception and does not require this work condition. We’ll delve into the details of each part and their specific requirements below. Unfortunately, non-EU students are NOT eligible for any part of student finance. This article provides a comprehensive overview of student finance and what it includes. For more detailed information, please refer to the official governmental website on student finance.

Basic grant

The basic grant is the core component of student finance in the Netherlands. When you apply for student finance, you are guaranteed to receive this grant. For MBO students in levels 1 and 2, the basic grant is a gift. For MBO students in levels 3 and 4, as well as HBO and university students, it is a “performance-based grant.” This means that if you complete your education within ten years, the loan is converted into a gift. To be eligible, EEA/EU, Swiss, and British students must work at least 32 hours per month. The amount of the basic grant varies depending on your living situation. If you live with your parents, you receive €121.33 per month. If you live independently, the grant increases to €466.69 per month. This amount includes a temporary increase of €164.30. However, starting in September 2024, the basic grant for students living away from their parents will be reduced to €302.39 per month.

    Supplementary grant

    The supplementary grant is designed to provide additional financial support if the basic grant isn’t sufficient. This grant is income-dependent, meaning it varies based on your parents’ income. For MBO students at levels 1 and 2, this grant is a gift. For MBO students at levels 3 and 4, as well as HBO and university students, it is a “performance-based grant,” like the basic grant. If you complete your education within ten years, it will also be converted into a gift. EEA/EU, Swiss, and British students must work at least 32 hours per month to qualify for this grant.

    The amount you receive from the supplementary grant depends on your parents’ income, so it varies from student to student. You also have the option to take less than the maximum amount available. The highest possible amount for this grant is €457.60 per month.

      Student travel product 

      The student travel product, part of student finance, lets you travel on public transport for free or at a discounted rate. You can choose a weekend or weekday subscription, offering free travel during your selected days. For MBO students at levels 1 and 2, this product is a gift. For MBO levels 3 and 4, HBO, and university students, it’s a “performance-based grant.” This means it becomes a gift if you complete your education within 10 years; otherwise, you must repay the travel costs with interest. EEA/EU, Swiss, and British students must work at least 32 hours per month to qualify for this product.

        Interest bearing loan

        Additional money on top of other aspects of student finance. You do not need to take it. Maximum amount 192.83 euros per month. 

          Tuition fees loan

          The tuition fees loan is designed to help you pay for your tuition and is part of student finance. EU, Swiss, and British students can apply for this loan WITHOUT needing to work 32 hours a month. Unlike other parts of student finance, this is a loan that must be repaid with interest. The loan is disbursed monthly, covering your full tuition over the course of the year. A tuition loan is also available to students who are not eligible for student finance. If you are not eligible for student finance, you must meet certain conditions for the tuition fees loan. Please consult the official list of requirements.

          If you are eligible for student finance, you can apply for the tuition fees loan when you apply for student finance. You also have the option to apply for only the tuition loan. This loan must be repaid with 2.56% interest. The loan is paid monthly, covering your tuition over the year. In 2024, this will amount to €210.80 per month, adding up to your annual tuition.

            Healthcare allowance

            Healthcare allowance is a government subsidy for your mandatory Dutch health insurance, with the amount depending on your income. The only requirement is having Dutch health insurance. If you meet this condition, you are eligible for the allowance. In 2024, the allowance will be €124. For more information about Dutch healthcare insurance, visit our knowledge database page on healthcare.

            Housing allowance 

            Housing allowance is a government subsidy for students living in a studio or apartment, available to both EU and non-EU students. To qualify, you must live in an independent living space, such as a studio, apartment, or house, but not in a student house or student room.

            Eligibility depends on the ratio between your age and your rent. If you are under 23, your basic rent must not exceed €454.57. For those 23 and older, the limit is €879.66. The amount of housing allowance varies based on your situation, so it is recommended to use the online calculator to determine your specific amount. 

            Non-EU students are also eligible for this subsidy.