Training Bureau
F.U.S.T. aims to ensure that everyone in Tilburg, from students to associations, can achieve their dreams and interests!
We actively seek to help students and associations through training them in certain specialised fields. As a student union we have a lot of connections to other training bureaus which ensures our trainings are always up to date and well informed. Besides this we also have trainers that are specialised in certain fields which helps them engage and answer some questions you might have.
Currently F.U.S.T. offers the following trainings:
Social safety
Meeting effectively
Workload management
Organising events
- Running a campaign
Trainings specifically for student participatory organs:
- Rights and Duties (HEARA)
- Onboarding new council members
- Negotiate
If you have a certain problem on which you’d like help or you just want to get a training. Then get in contact with us:
If you are interested in becoming a trainer yourself, because you like helping people or have a certain speciality. Then contact us at: