What do we offer you?
On our website we offer an open database full of useful information for incoming (or non-informed) students that is necessary to be able to live- and take part in Tilburg society and student life!
If you find that you need more direct support in the form of legal aid or trainings in certain areas, than you can become a member!
We offer our members legal aid and a training bureau as to ensure we can offer students support also when they encounter a problem in their day-to-day life!
Besides that, at F.U.S.T. we focus our efforts on three central points:
Representating, supporting and informing students!

Representing refers to F.U.S.T. being the voice of students within relevant administrative bodies. For student unions, this is mostly the municipality. Unions can also represent students within the university, however F.U.S.T. has decided to leave this to university parties which are already doing quality work in this area.
In addition to representing locally, F.U.S.T. is an aspiring member of the Landelijke Studenten Vakbond (LSVb). This creates opportunities for us to participate in nationwide incentives, such as actions regarding the forced reduction in English studies in the Netherlands and the langstudeerboete. This collaboration allows F.U.S.T. to serve as the spokesperson for Tilburg students within the framework of the LSVb.
Are you interested in helping us represent students?
Then join the Action!/Actie! group: this part of F.U.S.T. is responsible for organising local and national portests and takes a look at how we ensure that student interests are put on the political agenda!

F.U.S.T. also supports students with practical matters. This is done through our services. One of these is the legal aid service. Legal aid consists of law students aiming to help other students in Tilburg in the form of advice. If a member has a legal or administrative issue and is not sure how to proceed, they can reach out to our legal aid service for some preliminary information. In addition, F.U.S.T. gives trainings to individual members and associations to help with a multitude of topics. Besides this we aim to always ensure that we are open and accessible for students to ask their questions!
Are you interested in helping us support students?
Do you study or have had an education in law, then consider joining our legal aid! The legal aid responds to questions from students and associations about legal matters with regards to housing or education. Our aim is to translate the Dutch legal system and help students navigate said system to ensure that every student is protected and knows their legal rights!
Do you have a certain expertise and you want to share your experience and knowledge?
Then join our training bureau! Here we develop trainings for our joined associations and studentmembers to request.
Lastly, we are always open to other ideas on how we can support students further. Do you have your own idea on how you want to support students?
Then contact us here!

F.U.S.T. is not only a representative organ, but a platform for students to access relevant information. We provide information about various bureaucratic and legal topics aiming to help students navigate their everyday life in a proficient and secure manner through trainings and our Knowledge Database. We do this by posting regular information on our Instagram and updating our open database of useful information on this website!
Are you interested in helping us inform students?
Then consider joining one of our working groups! The working groups within F.U.S.T. help with research and the practical implementation of our policy and our Visions! The working groups focus on a few subjects:
– Working group Diversity
– Working group Housing
– Working group Infrastructure
– Working group Internationalisation
– Working group Poverty
– Working group Wellbeing
Are you just looking for an association to make friends in or to take part in some fun activities?
At F.U.S.T. we ensure to create an open and safe place for students to enjoy- and work on themselves!
Interested in taking part in that part of F.U.S.T.?
Then let us know that you are interested in, for example, our activities committee or our promotion committee. We look forward to helping you find a place where you can enjoy being a student in Tilburg!
Contact us here!